February 26, 2009
Home Sick
Yuck! That is how I feel today. Jon shared his cold with me that he had last week, and it started to get me on Monday. I left work early yesterday and woke up with both ears hurting, a sand papery throat, and my head in a vice. Normally, I would suck it up, take some Tylenol Cold and head to work, but since Small Fry trumps cold medicine, I've had to take it like it is. I felt kind-of guilty for taking a sick day for a cold, but when you can't take anything, it makes sense to stay home. I hope that I feel better tomorrow.
February 20, 2009
Small Fry Update
We had a Dr.'s appointment on Wednesday for Small Fry. Everything looks good. I gave them more of my blood to finish up the Sequential Screening test. This test for Downs Syndrome, Spinal Bifida, and Trisomy 18, we should have these results by early next week. We also got to hear Small Fry's heartbeat. That is the most reassuring and beautiful sound in the world to me right now. I have been feeling so much better and I still haven't gained any weight, so it was good to know that our sweet little one is still in there growing and pumping blood. We'll have an ultrasound at the next appointment on March 20 where they look at all of the anatomy and make sure everything looks good. And, for all of the inquiring minds, no- we are NOT finding out if Small Fry is a girl or a boy- it is a surprise.
Last weekend started the invasion of Jon's Man Cave. We got the bookshelves put together for my new office space, and got my desk moved down to the new space as well. I had Monday off, and I was very productive in getting the majority of my office things moved. I realized though, that I am not as strong anymore, and my new little belly makes it difficult to carry laundry baskets full of stuff down the stairs. Hopefully we can get the remainder moved this weekend, so that we can move the guest bedroom and start on the nursery.
Jon has been sick with a cold all week, so far I haven't gotten it, and I am praying that I don't.
Last weekend started the invasion of Jon's Man Cave. We got the bookshelves put together for my new office space, and got my desk moved down to the new space as well. I had Monday off, and I was very productive in getting the majority of my office things moved. I realized though, that I am not as strong anymore, and my new little belly makes it difficult to carry laundry baskets full of stuff down the stairs. Hopefully we can get the remainder moved this weekend, so that we can move the guest bedroom and start on the nursery.
Jon has been sick with a cold all week, so far I haven't gotten it, and I am praying that I don't.
February 09, 2009
Curtain Call
The curtains for the front window are finally finished. I finished sewing them and Jon helped me hang them yesterday afternoon. The living room finally feels like it is finished- we've only been living here for a year and a half. A big thank you to my friend Mary who helped me with the steps and details. Overall they were simple to make, and I will make similar ones for the guest room and the nursery. I really do enjoy sewing, and I always think about my Grandma Katy when I do. She taught me how to sew starting at age 5. Hopefully she'll get to see the new curtains in person this summer.

We/ I had a very productive weekend. I finished the curtains, we saw family for lunch on Saturday, and more family for dinner on Sunday. We bought new bedding for our room. We needed a change and I am very happy with our new down comforter and blue duvet cover. Jon got the air filter changed in the furnace. I bought bookcases for my new office space. We also got those pesky house chores done too. Not too bad for a regular weekend.
February 05, 2009
The Water Main and the Cats
The city of Arvada has decided to replace the water main on our street as a preventative measure. I am very glad that they recognized that the main needed to be replaced before my basement was flooded or we were out of water for weeks on end because it broke. The construction on our street started last week. We have had several large piles of dirt in front of our house, real live big tonka trucks and other diggers, and men in bright hats and vests all over our street, oh- and the lovely new port-o-potty that sits in front of our house is making quite the yard ornament. The cats absolutely love to sit on the top of the couch and watch out the window to supervise- if you will- the happenings of the construction. They are so darn cute! This morning they only left there post for breakfast and then as soon as construction started they were at their perch. I'm pretty sure that Bogart likes to watch more than Audrey, he is so vocal in the evenings when we get home now. It is as if he is trying to tell us all about the progress of the day. And I think that he is missing his naps during the day because he usually eats and goes right to sleep on the top of the couch- just in case the constructions starts again.

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