April 27, 2009
Trying not to freak out
My personal computer committed suicide yesterday. I've been having problems with the screen not turning on and having to turn it off and take the battery out to get it to turn on again. Last night I went to turn it on and I had to hard restart it several times and then I got the dreaded message that a system file was missing or corrupt. GREAT! OK, so now I just need to restore the windows operating system, and all should be fine- right? NOT SO FAST- I have several files on my hard drive that are encrypted and if I restore my system then the key for the encryption gets deleted and I can't view those files. So, my wonderful, smart, patient, and talented husband was trying to hack into my computer to get the key to unlock the encrypted files for me last night. No luck yet, but I know that it will get fixed, it has to! In the mean time I am trying to stay calm, because freaking out does me (and baby) no good.
April 24, 2009
My New Craving

Root Beer. Last night we had to go buy a new garage door opener (the joys of old-home ownership). I made Jon stop at the A&W so that I could get a Root Beer Float. I got the large, and found $3.65 in change in the bottom of my purse for it. It was sooooo tasty! I think we will have to get a 12 pack of root beer for the fridge.
April 20, 2009
Today is the 10th Anniversary of the shootings at Columbine. That day forever changed so many of us. Jon and I have done a lot of reflecting in the last few days about this. We have grown and changed, but yet there is still a deep seated sense of community with our high school class. We went to the candle light vigil last night at the memorial. It was very informal and low key. We spent time catching up with several classmates that we have not seen in years (at least not in person, only on Facebook). It was really a joyful and hopeful gathering of the Columbine community, but still in remembrance of those that were lost and injured. The memorial is a beautiful place to remember and reflect. We will never forget.
We did get snow- well, we got Sierra Cement. Sierra Cement is a combo of snow and rain, with enough snow to make it look harmless, until you walk or shovel it. It is so wet and heavy that it is like walking through quick sand, and one shovel full could do serious damage to your back. It is supposed to be in the 70's all week, and my Tulips are oooo soooo happy.

We attended the State Destination Imagination competition on Saturday. My cousin James did very well- 6th place, out of 20+ teams! My brother Peter did AWESOME! His team got 1st Place in the entire state. Seven teams competed, but Peter's structure held 460 pounds, no other team even came close. Peter's team is off to the Global Competition next month.

Chelsea came to help me paint the nursery yesterday (THANK YOU!). We grew the grass all around. I am so pleased and excited with how it looks! We still have work to do in there, hopefully by the first weekend in May it will be ready for baby stuff.

We attended the State Destination Imagination competition on Saturday. My cousin James did very well- 6th place, out of 20+ teams! My brother Peter did AWESOME! His team got 1st Place in the entire state. Seven teams competed, but Peter's structure held 460 pounds, no other team even came close. Peter's team is off to the Global Competition next month.

April 16, 2009
Blizzard headed our way (so they say)
Here is the map of the projected precipitation in the next 48 hours. I live in the purple blob. We could always use the moisture, but I hope it doesn't kill all my flowers...

April 06, 2009
Snow, Sun, Sick
We finally got the snow storm that we needed a few weeks ago, and we've had more precipitation since then. I am so glad that we got some moisture, I was starting to get worried that our State was going to dry up like a raisin. The snow has been dotted by just enough sun, that Jon and Stella have only had to shovel a few times, and the roads have not been too bad.

I am sick... again. Colds are really no fun- especially when you are pregnant (and: cold + heartburn = no sleep). Jon did some research for me and concluded that I am more likely to get MORE colds while I am pregnant because my immune system is lower so that my body doesn't reject the baby. See that- you learn something new everyday.

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