I can't believe Cecilia is already over a month old. We have finally settled into a routine and I have thoroughly enjoyed being home with her. I feel like she has grown so much, even though she is still itty-bitty and doesn't yet fit into most of her cute clothes. We figure she is about 7 1/2 lbs now, according to the bathroom scale subtraction method. She is getting more and more interactive. We've seen a few smiles, and she is starting to "talk" more. This video is from today.
We spent last weekend at Pops and Grandma's house. It was so relaxing and it was great to be up in the mountains again. We haven't been up there since the end of May, and it was nice to see that everything is still so green. My Dad has been working hard on the new Church. We also visited my Mom's new classroom at the school. It was a wonderful visit for all of us. I think that Pops and Grandma needed to see Cecilia because it was their first official weekend as "empty nesters".

Jon would like everyone to know that Cecilia had her first trip to The Home Depot on Sunday. By my observations, she wasn't that impressed, which is a good thing, because she didn't make a scene. Jon and I are starting the process to get new windows. The ones we have are the originals, so they are 53+ years old, and in the winter they insulate about as much as saran wrap. We are going to do it slowly, so that we can afford it. The goal is to try and get the gigantic front window and the two big windows in the kitchen done by the time it gets really cold. That alone should help tremendously with the heating bill.

Today I had to run a bunch of errands, and one of them was to the County Clerk and Recorder to get license plates for my new car. I was worried when I walked in and the number counter was on 5 and I pulled 29. Fortunately Cecilia slept the entire time in her car seat. It could have been a disaster. After sitting and watching the clerks for 40 minutes, I really think that the County should insist on a better dress code. The majority of the clerks (all women) were wearing sweats, or something from the early 90's. I don't know why I expected better from a professional government establishment. I guess that I feel like if I have to write you a check for over $300, you should look like you are professional enough to handle such funds.
In other news, I have been working on marketing Fries the Moment Design and getting my business off the ground. I attended an Album Show event a few weeks ago and I was invited to speak at a Mile High Photographers meeting in January on Wedding Album Pricing. I am so excited about this opportunity and I am already preparing my material. I've also met with Katie from Katie James Photography out of Nashville, TN, regarding album design. I've sent several letters and information to photographers in the Denver area about Fries the Moment Design. My fingers are crossed and I am trusting that everything will fall into place. I hope to launch a new blog later this week dedicated to Fries the Moment Design. I am still working out the details and the content.