November 26, 2008
Giving Thanks
I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!
I’m off to mash 20 pounds of potatoes….
November 13, 2008
On Saturday we went to Mikey and Ryan's wedding. Mikey (Michaeline) and I crawled together as babies. My mom was her first daycare mom when Mikey was only a few months old. It was an absolutely beautiful wedding. The ceremony was full of life and love and so many personal touches. Mikey's brother, Taylor sang, and he has an amazing voice. The Priest that married them was a long time family friend, so he knew Mikey and Ryan. The reception was held at Lakewood Country Club and it was so nice. The food was good, the toasts were a true testament of the couple, and the dancing was great. Congratulations Mikey & Ryan- we wish you the best.
Nothing really new on the home front. I am getting SO excited to go to Brazil. I bought my two dresses for the formal nights, and the shoes too. I had to order a bunch of swim suits because apparently nobody sells swim suits in Colorado in November. I got the suits in last night and 2 of 5 will work. Jon and I are going to start tanning this week in hopes to limit the extent of the sun burning that is bound to happen while relaxin’ on the beach in Brazil. I only have 25 work days left before we leave- I can’t wait!!!!
I had Tuesday off this week due to Veteran’s Day. Thank you to all of our military personnel, your sacrifice is extraordinary. Even though it was a day off, I drove all over the city- I had to take Jon to work, Pat to the Airport, and then down to Littleton to drop the car off for an alignment, then back to Arvada for an Eye Dr. Apt, then home for a little bit. Then back to Littleton to pick up the car, back to Aurora to pick Jon up, and then home again. It was a lot of driving! The perk though was that I got to drive a new CR-V while our car was being aligned – it was so nice- it is on my wish list.
November 02, 2008
It's Christmas Card Time

Stella has a boyfriend

Happy Halloween