January 23, 2009

SO Tired

I have been so extremely tired for the past week and a half. I have been asleep, either in bed or on the couch, by 8:30 (at the latest) every night. I haven't been sleeping all the way through the night either. Sometimes I will be awake for 2+ hours before I fall back to sleep, so this is not helping with the I just want to take a nap under my desk at work feeling.

Jon and I went to the Dr.'s last Monday for our 12 week ultrasound. Small Fry looks more like a peanut right now, which is way better than silly putty (9 week ultra sound). Everything looks good, and we got to hear the heart beat for the first time- 165 beats per minute! I had last Monday off (MLK Day), and my friend and I, who is also pregnant, went shopping for some maternity clothes. I bought 4 pairs of pants, 3 for work, and 1 pair of jeans. They are super comfortable with room for growth.

Two weekends ago we got our house and life back in order from being out of the country for 2+ weeks. Boy did that feel good. This past weekend was low key. I had planned to get through the Brazil pictures, but that didn't happen. We had some friends over for dinner on Saturday night. The husband went to school with Jon and his wife is also pregnant. She is about 4 weeks ahead of me. It is fun to have other couple-friends around who are at about the same point in life as us.

I think Stella has figured out that something is different about me. She won't leave my side when I am home. If I get upset, even in the slightest, she pushes herself up against me, or she will rest her head in my lap. It is very sweet.

Sorry this blog is so prego- heavy, I guess that is what is on my mind ;)

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Glad to hear everything is coming along nicely! Yep, those clothes are comfy!! We are all happy for you and Jon!


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