One teeny tiny tooth finally popped through on Monday morning. You still can't see it, but man oh man it is sharp! The drool has continued and I am hoping that its friend shows up by the end of this week. She has been sleeping better (thank goodness AND knock on wood!).
She has been exceptionally cute this past few weeks. I am really liking this age. Her personality is shining through in everything she does. She is so vocal right now too. She will sit with a book and tell us the story. She is mischievous too- she will pick up a toy and play with it for a few seconds and then toss it a few feet, then do it again until she is close enough to something she knows she shouldn't get into: cat food, book shelf, pantry, dog water, laundry basket, stereo buttons, cat, dog, etc. Then she will just leave the toy and go for it, only looking back with a smirk to see if she has gotten "caught" yet. She is full of laughter and songs. She is also the strongest (almost) 9 month old I've ever held. I notice it the most at church, I feel like I am juggling 3 babies with how much she moves. She pushes away from me and bends down toward the pew in front of us. She will walk up me and then try to jump, that is always fun. It must be very entertaining, or distracting, for those around us.
In other news, Jon has got the garden started for the year. We decided to do a 4x6 raised bed garden, and we picked up the good dirt last weekend and got it moved into place. The plant sale at Jon's office is May 4, so we will probably be planting the following weekend. I was also able to get away this weekend with my friend to get the first pedicures of the season and go out for a drink. It has been
soooooo long since I've had real girl time, and I needed it. Even if it was for just a few hours, it was a wonderful. Jon and I also had a date night on Friday night with my cousin and her boyfriend. We went to a Mammoth Lacrosse game and grandma stayed and watched Cecilia. It was the first time that we have left her for bed time. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be, I think because we were ready for a date!
Here is the photo version of the
last blog post:
Cecilia enjoying all of the pretty flowers in our front garden.

This is Bogart in the attic fan. We don't know how he got there, but Jon discovered him while I was out. Somehow he got into the attic, lets hope this doesn't happen

Enjoying some blackberries.

Her new wheels! Beep Beep! Faster Daddy!

And they convert into a walking toy!
Aaaand the reason her crib is now lowered: Monkey! Monkey! Monkey!