Friday was potty training day one. It was exhausting! Cecilia and I made it through. It was very intense, but worth it. The method we followed is "Toilet Training in Less Than a Day". Ya- the book is highly optimistic, but the theory works. We had the benefit of using this method after my aunt and uncle used it on all of their boys with success. They were able to give us valuable advice and recommendations. According to them, this method is a long 3 day weekend process. We started Friday, and by Sunday she was practically a pro!
On Friday the theory was lots of fluids = lots of opportunity. I let her double fist it with milk and juice all day long. She had 12 accidents by the end of the day. I know this because I had bought a 6 pack of panties, and she went through them twice. Even with all these accidents, she successfully went on the potty at least 12 times, if not more. The day was so stressful (I can't stress that enough) for both Cecilia and I. There were lots of tantrums, lots of head banging, and lots of longing for wine. With our 50/50 success rate, I wasn't convinced that we had made any progress by the end of the day. I was VERY glad to see Jon at the end of the day and let him take over dinner and bath time while I escaped and picked up Red Robin for our dinner (the next best thing to a bottle of wine when you are pregnant).
We have yet to have a perfect day, but we are getting there. It is definitely a process, but for the most part she gets it. We have the complication of limited communication, height, and coordination, but she will get there- and it beats the heck out of changing diapers! AND the $$ we will save on diapers over the next few months means more date nights ;)
show that little pussy sweet pea
lovely little panties I hope they smell of her pussy and pee then I want to sell a pair while I jerk off in another pair
once you pee sweetie let me sit on the toilet with my hard c--k out and you can slowly lower your lovely tight arse onto it see how much you can take, feel that sweet cum in you
cum in her now she is yours forever, I did my daughter and I f----d her until she got married, loved her p--y best when she was little though, her mum and I split when she was 11 but I got her every other weekend and a month a year we never spent a night apart always slept I the same bed, better f--k than her mum and sucked better too, I hope her hubby appreciates how well I taught her to f--k, granddau coming in 2 months, mum knows already her p---y is mine and I will be gentle
i would tongue fuck that sweet pussie then fuck and creampie her be the best cherry i popped
If anyone has videos of little girls being raped message my wickr account
I'd love to bend this little girl over and have good deep sex with her till I nut in her little guts damn right I'd impregnate the fuck out of her with pleasure
would luv to smell her poopy doop
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