April 19, 2012

Weaning Woes

The time has come to wean my little Lillian.  She's 11 months now, and preparations for her birthday have already begun.  I've started to wean her little by little, but honestly, it breaks my heart every time I lay her down without nursing her.  She and I, we are so bonded.  She is such a Mama's girl.  I know we will always have that special bond, but some days, the few minutes that I had to nurse her were the only few minutes that we had just the two of us.  Gosh, I'm going to miss that.  She's down to just two feedings a day, once at her morning nap, and once before bed.  And, well, I'd be lying if I said she wasn't nursing at all during the night.  I can't help myself sometimes.  She has yet to actually sleep through the night, and when you are half asleep and just wanting to go back to sleep, the easiest thing is to just feed her, instead of listen to her scream cry for half and hour.

The day before her birthday, Jon and I have a wedding to go to.  I'd really like to be able to go to the wedding sans little people and be ok with Lilly not nursing.  So, we have just a few short weeks left.  The good news is that she has been great with it.  When I weaned her from her afternoon feeding, she was totally good with it.  She didn't cry at all, and went right down to her bed.  That does make it easier.

Gosh, I just love her so much!

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