However, there are two things I'd like to mention.
1) Jon and I have found ourselves in a hamster ball of life recently. We have found ourselves in unfamiliar territory and are having to handle some changes with extended family that are really quite unpleasant. I'm being vague for a reason. I'm also telling you all this because I hope it will explain some of the sporadic blogging that is going on. It has us really stressed out, more than I have ever been in my life. So, if you are the praying type, we'd appreciate prayers. If you are the happy thought type, those are appreciated too. We will get through this, and some day, maybe, I'll elaborate. It is times like this when we are so happy to have each other, and these smiling faces to give us perspective and keep us focused on the happy things in life.

2) Last weekend Cecilia and I found ourselves in a hamster ball. Literally. On water even. It was quite comical. It was the Harvest Festival in Olde Town Arvada and we decided to check it out. This was one of the attractions. It was so hard! I ran another 5K the day before (more on that later), and this was way harder, and I was sore for a few days. It was totally fun though. Cecilia had a ball!
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