March 22, 2013

Chicks and Leprechauns

We made an impromptu visit to my parents house last weekend.  It had been a while since we had gone up to visit, and my Dad got chicks!  Pops the Chicken Farmer was so excited about his baby chickens that he called me three times last Friday to tell me all about them, and that he had "got them home safe", and that they were "so cute!" and the like.  Seriously, my Dad was reduced to a a big softy last friday all because of these little birds.  Cecilia was very excited to see them, and used every chance she could to go check on them.

Sunday was St. Patricks day, and Cecilia and Mammaw made a leprechaun trap.  Those leprechauns are fast!  He wasn't trapped, but he did make use of the facilities and he left behind some green rubber duckies.  Cecilia was not impressed that he forgot to flush the potty and told us "He peed green!  That's gross!"  Hehehehehe.

1 comment:

Marguerite said...

Those darn leprechans! I asked Andrew if he wanted to build a house/trap for them and he told me he was afraid of them. When I asked why, he said, "Because they are tiny and sneeky." "I don't like those little guys." Very funny. I think green pee would be gross too.


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