How Far Along: 22 Weeks
Size of Baby: Spaghetti Squash. 11 inches long and 15 oz.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 6 lbs
Maternity Clothes: All out maternity clothes. I don't really like the jeans I have, so I am craving slightly warmer temperatures so I can make the switch to capris and dresses.
Baby Movement: ALL the time! I felt baby move at 17 weeks 2 days. At first it was a "what did I eat?" feeling, and then I realized it was the baby. At this point the baby is getting so strong, and the movement is unmistakable. This baby is moving a ton and most of the movement I feel is low. It feels like the baby is positioned with his/her back toward my ribs and baby's arms and legs are hanging down towards my hips. My suspicions were confirmed about this positioning at our ultrasound.
Sleep: Some nights are good, some are not. Pregnancy dreams are crazy vivid and I often have to remind myself that "it was just a dream!"
What I miss: IBProufen. I've had more headaches with this pregnancy, and it would be nice to take some Vitamin I. Also, I feel hard on the ice last week. I was carrying Lillian and my purse and holding Cecilia's hand. We all went down and the majority of the impact was on my left rear cheek. The next days I was really sore through my whole lower back and left side of my back and the right side of my neck. Vitamin I would have been nice.
Cravings: Ice Cream. Savory foods, still. Nothing too crazy.
Aversions: Not too much. I guess it depends on the day, or time of day.
Symptoms: Metal Mouth, on occasion. HOLY Heartburn!!! Sciatic pain. Headaches. Foot cramps. Emotional.
Best Moment: Feeling baby move. Jon feeling baby move. Seeing baby on the 22 week ultrasound. Also, the girls are still very adamant that this baby is a girl (I need to get it on video, just so you can see how adamant they are about baby being a girl). They have each named 'her' at this point too. Lilly Jeanne will tell you that her name will be "Emma Katy", and Cecilia has decided her name should be "Hannah". Both are good names. I suppose we will add them to the list...
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20 weeks |
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22 weeks
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