November 11, 2013

As a Mom of Three

  1. I've lost my mind.  And my keys- have you seen them?  Oh- there they are!  
  2. I wish my key fob for Minnie the Van had an alarm for when I've forgotten to close the door because I was guiding two small ones inside, carrying the tiny one and all the stuff (purse, blankets, grocery's, random toy, dirty diaper, etc) inside. 
  3. I've become really, REALLY good at multi-tasking.  The other morning I ate a bowl of cereal, dressed Lilly Jeanne, put Cecilia in time-out, and nursed Nora all at the same time.  Where's my cape?
  4. I've also become really, REALLY good at starting things.  Just the starting part though.  Finishing tasks needs impro
  5. My priority list is constantly being rearranged (see item #4).  
  6. My sleep has been more interrupted by my two year old than my two month old.  Say What!?!?
  7. Taking a shower is like taking a vacation.
  8. I don't think I've gone to the bathroom alone since before Nora was born.
  9. I left for two and a half hours the other morning to get my hair done.  It was amazing.  Of course, I didn't even make it to the end of my street without Jon calling me.  I never color my hair, but I did this time for two reasons:  I needed a change, and I have gray hairs sprouting all over my head.
  10. I love my life.  It's crazy and chaotic, stressful and challenging.  But I know that my life is so much more fulfilled because of these little blessings.

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