Jon and I didn't really see each other at all. Jon went to Daddy Boot Camp on Saturday morning. He really enjoyed it and he learned a lot. I am a little jealous that I wasn't able to go to something like this. It is a really cool class that the hospital offers. New dads volunteer to bring in their 3-4 month old babies for the soon-to-be dads to hold and change diapers. Jon said that the babies were not cooperating though, there were no poopy diapers to change, and there was no crying to be heard. After boot camp he headed to meet the guys for a bachelor party golf afternoon and a night of mischief.
We found out that a good friend and very active man in my parents community passed away on Saturday morning. He died very suddenly of cancer. He was a great man that influenced so many in their small community, and he made a very strong impact and connection with the high school kids. Jack- you will be missed.
My mom came down on Saturday morning, her and I ran some errands, and went to meet more of the doula's at the hospital. Jon and I have decided to have a doula (labor coach) during the labor and birth of this baby. I really want to have a natural, un-medicated labor and birth, so I am assembling my team to help me achieve this. It was really good that my mom was able to meet some of the doula's. After this we headed to an anniversary party for neighbors of my grandparents- 40 years! It is such an inspiration to see two people still so in love after 40 years.
Sunday was my first baby shower. It was hosted by the lovely Juliette. The food was delicious and the company was great! We even had Happy Cakes! It was really nice to get together with the special women in my life to celebrate this new baby. Juliette had all of the ladies write a personalized note about motherhood/family/ kids. The messages were so touching and special to me. Jon ditched the shower and went to hang out with a friend, but on his return to pick me up, he got a little overwhelmed with all of the goodies and said "OK, this is suddenly really real now!" I guess this is what he needed to get the fire under his butt lit to get the nursery finished.

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