February 10, 2011

18 Months

Cecilia was officially 1.5 years old at the end of January. We had her 18 month check up on the 31st. She is and always will be my baby, no matter how many toddler milestones she reaches. She is growing so fast, in all facets of development: physically, verbally, emotionally, behaviorally, etc. She was right on track with her "words" and her toddler tantrums and her need for Mommy. Here are her growth stats:

Weight: 22lbs, 3 oz.....25th Percentile
Length: 31.5 inches.... 50th Percentile

I am cherishing my time with her. I love to snuggle with her in the late afternoon and catch a Word World. I love to watch her learn to do new things- like put her coat on by herself, or try to climb out of her crib. Music to my ears is listening to her sing me a song, or direct the dog or cat around the house. She has a new found love of olives and pickles. Every time she catches a glimpse of the olive jar in the fridge, she lets me know it, and then gets so so so excited when I get one of those little green morsels out of the jar.

She sure can be a handful sometimes, and I wonder what I'm in for when Sweet Potato arrives. I know Cecilia will be a terrific big sister. Her nurturing instincts are there. She carries her baby doll around with her all the time, and pushes her in her little stroller. She mimics how I love her with her dolly by how she holds her and pats her on the back, and gives her kisses. It is so sweet to watch.

I can't believe that it has been one and a half years of parenthood already. Then again, I look at her, and she looks so big, and I can't believe that it has only been one and a half years of parenthood. We love you Cecilia, C-Bear, La-Bug, C, Monkey Moudle, Baby One, Baby Girl, Toddler (seriously, where do we come up with some of these nicknames???).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

18 months? It can't be! I feel like it was just yesterday that we went for our walk and she was getting ready to celebrate the big 0-1. Congratulations, C! And congratulations Mommy on a blessed year and a half.


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