Lilly is doing pretty well at home. She had her first doctors appointment on Monday, and checked out great. However, by Monday afternoon, she started throwing up after just about every meal. She did okay on Tuesday, but not great. I called my doc on Wednesday morning and explained what was going on, she had us come in to check her out. I took Lilly in, and my doc seemed to think that it was just reflux, but wanted to make sure she didn't have a blockage. So, on Thursday we headed down to the Children's Hospital for an ultrasound of her belly. It came back normal (thank goodness), but she is still throwing up. By Friday my doc had an Rx ordered for her to be put on Zantac. It isn't working very well, and I am trying to not get too frustrated by it. It is really hard on me though, because a mama should be able to feed her baby! It has also tripled our laundry. We're not talking just a little spit up here, its usually a full meal that comes back up :( Other than this minor issue, Lilly is doing her jobs of eat, sleep, and poop perfectly. She had her first bath on Monday (or was it Tuesday, I can't remember), and Cecilia "helped".
Lilly has taken a liking to the swing. She reminds me of Cecilia, and the strange positions I would find her in when she would fall asleep in the swing.
As for the Mama, I'm adjusting too. I had a minor breakdown in my doc's office on Wednesday when I took Lilly in for the reflux issue. I was really trying not to think about the TIA incident during my labor. It kept creeping into my mind and it was really starting to freak me out. I talked to my doc (we see a family practice doc, so the girls and I all have the same doc), and she said that she reviewed the neurologists notes and she said that she would have diagnosed it as an occipital migraine and not a TIA. So, she actually called the neurologist and discussed my case with him. After some review, the neurologist agreed with my doc and changed his diagnoses to an occipital migraine. WHAT A RELIEF!!! I'm so glad that I had the care that I did, and that they did the tests to rule out anything more severe, but I am even happier that I don't have this big black cloud of a diagnoses hanging over me.
So glad to see you all home! What a handful, I'm sure- we'll be joining soon (hopefully!). Couple things I thought I'd share- first, as far as Zantac, I think that, like, 99% of kids with Ds have reflux issues (excluding Piper, ironically), so there's always a LOT of talk about meds. Seems like almost ALL kids do a little better on Prevacid instead. It takes a few days to work, but I've heard a lot more positive feedback about it than Zantac. Problem is that it has to be compounded, and there aren't a lot of places that'll do it. But if it works... If the Zantac isn't doing much, I'd ask about a med switch- a lifesaver for LOTS of families! :)
When I read your story about the night she was born, I told my mom "Sounds like a migraine to me...", lol. I get them, a LOT, and I always get visual disturbances as part of an aura- either flashing lights, blind spots, or inability to see light differences. Only reason I say anything is so that, if it happens again, you don't get TOO worried. Go figure, right? Stress and exhaustion- two triggers for migraines. Think you could have a little of those? :) Glad you're okay, though, either way!
Congrats! I know I am late.. can't seem to multi task like I use to. Please tell your mom I finally got around to reading the email. Will be sending her an email soon (well...??)
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