September 21, 2008

Pee Wee Flag Football

Last Tuesday, Jon and I went to watch one of my little cousins play pee wee flag football. Joe is 7 and he did a great job out there! Pee Wee flag football is one of those sports for kids where “everybody is a winner” and “everybody gets to play”. Because everybody gets to play- at the same time- there are probably 15-20 kids on one side and 15-20 kids on the other. Since these boys are just learning the sport they don’t really know where to go or stand, so every time the QB gets the ball, a pile of boys in bright shirts and flags appears in the middle of the field- regardless if the ball is there or not. Despite the dog pile practice, there were several good plays, and Joe was a star and was handed the ball several times. Some times he became one with the pile, and a few times he was able to avoid before one of his flags was torn off. Ma and Pa came to watch the game too. It is always nice to see them. Andrew, the youngest brother, was so cute... he is getting so big :(

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