I've been a little busy with Cecilia, sorry for any anxiety caused by no blog post.
She has totally stolen my heart, and her Daddy has already admitted that he is in big trouble. We can't get over how much we love her. She is almost a week new now. My labor was very long, 41 hours, and my body was fighting the contractions the entire time. After 34 hours, I was only
dilated to a 5, and I was so exhausted that I was falling dead asleep between 1 minuet apart, very intense contractions. My midwife was great and very supportive of my determination to have a natural birth, but at this point she was encouraging me to consider an Epidural to allow my body to relax, and so that I could rest before pushing. I reluctantly gave in, knowing that even if I
dilated to a 10 in the next hour, I didn't have the strength to push. By 10:49 PM it was time to push, and after only 20 minuets, Jon proudly announced "Its a Girl!"
We took Cecilia to her first doctors appointment yesterday. The diagnoses: She is perfect. She is nursing well, and will start to gain some weight back this week.
Here are a few photos, there are many photos on
The Lady Bug StoryThrough out my pregnancy I've said that if the baby was a girl, she would be my Lady Bug. We have also seen lady bugs in strange places: My mom found a herd of Lady Bugs at her house in the mountains not too long ago. We found a lady bug on the side of our car after taking the maternity pictures a few weeks ago, etc. When we got home from the hospital on Friday, Jon helped me out of the car in the back seat, and he said "BETH! LOOK!" I turned around and right on the seat where I was sitting next to Cecilia was a Lady Bug. Cecilia is definitely my Lady Bug. Do you see the Lady Bug on the seat?

Meeting Uncle Pat via