We have been so busy enjoying family and friends, shopping, home making, and celebrating.
Cecilia is getting so big. Her personality is really starting to show. She is a happy girl, and she loves to talk. She is getting so strong too. We broke out the jumper for her, and she loves it! She will sing and swing- jump around. Too cute!

She has started her nightly cereal snack. It has taken a few weeks, but she is starting to really enjoy it and eat the whole serving. We discovered very early on, that it works best if we hold her hands down, otherwise, she will try to do it herself. The cereal has definitely helped with her sleeping. She is still not sleeping through the night, but she is only waking once, and she eats and goes right back to sleep.

Grandma has been down from the mountains many times to visit. She even brought Cecilia her first Christmas present: teething ladybugs. The little girl has her two bottom teeth coming in- one could say "all she wants for Christmas is her two front teeth!" A consequence of these teeth has been her first ear infection :( She is feeling better now, but it was rough last week, before we took her in on Friday.

We had some excitement last week when a crane and many other big trucks and a mulcher showed up in front of the house. They came to remove the tree in the backyard of the neighbor across the street's house. Needless to say, all of the commotion and noise prevented Cecilia from taking her morning nap. It was sure fun to watch though.

Pat flew in last Friday. He even arrived in uniform! The last time Pat was home for Christmas was 2006, and he barely made it because CO was hit with three blizzards in a row. We are so excited to have him here this year, especially for C's 1st Christmas.

We went to see the Wild Boys perform their Christmas Pageant on Sunday. They are so cute. Here are two of the wise guys, Joe and Jack:

Cecilia got to meet her Cousin Keeghan for the first time. He is in town for a month to celebrate with all of us and to work a short internship before he heads back to school in TX.

Sarah came in on Sunday, along with her sister Liz, and her brothers too. She hasn't seen Cecilia since her Baptism. It is so good to see her and Pat together. We have been spending time with Sarah's family, sharing meals and watching football.

The girls and I went shopping for bridesmaid dresses yesterday, we found a strong candidate. Sarah also found her wedding dress. It is gorgeous, and she found it by chance, because she didn't even intend on trying anything on. I made her try on this dress, and I am so glad that I did. No pictures of this- yet- you will have to wait till August.
Jon is off till 2010 starting on Thursday. I am so happy that he will be home with us. We are looking so forward to Cecilia's first Christmas. This holiday is so much more exciting and joyful now that she is in our world.
I hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas, filled with cheer, joy, and gratitude.
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