Jon has been working his tail off to get the bathroom tile finished before Cecilia's Party tomorrow. It is looking FAB-U-LOUS!!! We started this phase of the remodel last Friday. It took way longer than we anticipated- Jon even took last Monday off of work to get more finished on it. We laid the last tile on Wednesday night, and today, Jon grouted it all in. I can officially add "tile saw engineer" to my resume. We worked well as a team, passing measurements and cut tiles back and forth through the bathroom window.

Cecilia was so good through this whole process. Last weekend she played so contently by herself for several hours, allowing me to continue to assist Jon. Part of me was so happy that she was being so independent, and another part of me felt so guilty for not playing with her. But, in the end, I figured that as long as she was happy, I didn't need to worry.

Fortunately, she is still little enough to take a bath in the kitchen sink while her tub was indisposed.

The tile looks so good, and I am so happy with the final result. This is it for a few weeks for home improvements (thank goodness). I'm sure the Home Depot will miss us. We hope to re-finish the vanity and build a custom cabinet for the bathroom this fall. Until then, I am going to enjoy living in my house, and not a construction zone.

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