February 02, 2011


This potty training thing is not going as well as we had anticipated or hoped. When Cecilia initiated this a few weeks ago, I was shocked and I didn't feel ready for it, but I went with it after doing some research and feeling like she could very well be ready. Last week there was very little progress. We were still having at least 4 accidents/ day. Friday was a glimmer of hope, but I was watching her constantly for any tiny sign that she would give to indicate that she needed to go. She was not initiating any of the process herself. She doesn't seem to care when she wets her pants, which just makes us the bad guy. I think the novelty of going to the potty wore off, and it was all about the potty and the bathroom, and not necessarily about being dry.

Monday was the last straw. I couldn't handle it any longer. My stress level was getting way to high- especially for being pregnant. I was having way to many Braxton Hicks contractions. So, after way too much stress, frustration, and negativity, and a long conversation, Jon and I came to the decision that she is probably not ready. So, we are back to diapers, with the option of using the potty if she wants, but I can't handle the tension and resentment it was causing between her and I. Too much stress, not enough happiness. She is so young, and I'm ok with our decision, despite what others might say.

She will be potty trained when she is fully ready. I think part of her issue is that she is so little. She isn't capable of telling us yet when she needs to go. She isn't big enough to get her pants down and get up on the toilet by herself yet. She wants to be so independent, but isn't capable... yet. In a few months it could be a completely different story.

1 comment:

The Davis Girls said...

*Aww...poor thing:o) Just an heads up....They will do it when they are ready:o) Isabella just in the last month has decided to become potty trained! She saw all her little friends and cousin potty trained and didn't want to be in pull ups anymore. We tried potty training her since she turned 2 and here we are a year and a half later....and now, I don't even need to ask her, she tells me or does it all on her own!!

SO don't stress, especially since you're pregnant!! She will do it in her own time!! PROMISE!!! I sit here remembering the hours and days I stressed about potty training...and it was time wasted!!!

Hope that makes you feel a little better!!!



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