On Sunday, Cecilia woke us up bright and early. I think she knew that the Easter Bunny had come. We all enjoyed a delicious breakfast, and Nick and Megan even joined us. Then, it was time for "the hunt" Cecilia did so good! She knew exactly what to do as soon as we handed her a basket she started bee-lining it for the eggs that the bunnies had "hid" for her. She did so good, until she figured out that there was candy inside. Then it became a much more leisurely "hunt".
Fortunately, she was exhausted from getting up so early and from all of the hunting, she took an earlier than normal nap. This was great, because she was rested and ready to go for round 2 at Ma & Pa's house. As soon as we arrived she was greeted by her fan club. Her Great Uncle John presented her with the cutest,
After a delicious meal, the eggs were hidden by the big cousins, and the kids had at it! Her Uncle Petey got a little creative with his hiding skills. Since Cecilia had warmed up earlier in the day, she was ready to go- kind of. She had already figured out that the good stuff was inside the eggs, so her hunting was a little delayed. Her strategy was to find an egg, open the egg, eat the goodies, then put the egg in her basket. Repeat. I think this will change in the coming years when she has some more competition. Her favorite "egg" find of the day was the weathered basket ball. Too funny! She spotted it across the yard, and did not give up until she got it.
Here are all of the kids lined up on the wall for the annual Easter photo. Next year, there will be 2 new ones :)
This is my Mom, Aunt Jenny, and 3 of my Uncles. No explanation is needed here, other than I love them all!
Cecilia and Grandma, just before we headed home.
We were exhausted when we got home. Cecilia snuggled with me on the couch for a long time. It was the perfect end to a wonderful weekend.