I'm a dork sometimes. When I get stressed I want to do one of three things: eat chocolate, shop, or work on an excel spreadsheet. The first two are because I am a woman. The last is because I need to feel in control of something. So, naturally I have a spreadsheet that has various tabs on it, including (but not limited to): "Baby Names", "Biggest Looser", and "Babies, Babies, Babies".

At the beginning of the year, I started to notice that there were so many women that I knew that were pregnant and would be having their baby this year, so I had to start a spreadsheet to keep track. The spreadsheet is for people that I know well enough, or have enough of a Face Book connection with to know their due date, gender of baby, baby's birth date, and baby's name. In other words, this does not include the woman at church who sits across the isle from me, or the lady in the back of my neighbor down the street, or my mom's co-worker. When I started the sheet, I had 16 women on it. That was back in January. Now, I'm up to 25, and that is only through October 1, 2011. Can you say "Baby Boom??". Currently the stats are as follows:
10 Boys
9 Girls
6 Unknowns (only 4 of us won't find out what we are having)
1 set of twins
Most births will be: 5 Babies to be born in July, followed by 4 in May
Its kind of thrilling to know of this many babies coming into the world. I hope to add several more names to this list before its complete. And, knowing me, the list will just continue on for 2012.
As for me and this baby. I'm ready! I'm. so. done. being. pregnant. Overall, I am feeling pretty good. HOWEVER, I do feel huge and awkward. Sleep is dreaded and desired all at the same time. I'm so excited to snuggle this new little life. I am in full on nesting mode. Jon helped me move up the swing, car seat, boppy's, bathtub, nursing stool, and other tiny baby necessities from the basement today. I've been cleaning and reorganizing the nursery. Here is the belly at just about 35 weeks.

My mom took the above picture of me, and then said "turn around, you look so good! You can't even tell you're pregnant from the back." I obliged, and I must say it is quite the ego booster when you feel as big as I do.

1 comment:
Oh my gosh, you are soooo adorable!! I love this OCD moment, it makes me feel so much more normal! And, BTW, you DO look awesome! Hang in there - 5 weeks left!
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