When Cecilia woke up and looked out the front window, she told me that it was "messy". She was very insistent about it and kept moving her arm in a big circle as if to say "its all messy all around out there". I corrected her and explained that it was snow. She said "OOooOOOhh" like she does when the light bulb in her little head turns on. She calls the snow, "nows".
We had MOPS in the morning (thank goodness- I've been going crazy Jon being gone hunting all week, but that's for another post). After the girls napped we got all bundled up and headed out to the nows, er I mean snow. Cecilia was so excited!
I realize that Cecilia is wearing two different gloves. Actually, the one on her right is not even a glove, its two socks :) It is on the list to get her appropriate winter accessories. To be fair, this is really the first time that Cecilia has played in the snow. She was too little last year, and we didn't really get snow last year. She didn't seem to care at all.
I tried to teach her how to make a snow angel, but I couldn't get down there with her because I had Lilly and a camera. She was so cute. I would show her how to move her arms, but she would just put them out in front of her and then back in the snow. She cracks me up!
Cecilia played for a solid 30 minutes in the snow. She loved tasting, marching and throwing the snow.
When she was finished we had hot chocolate. Another first for her. She loved it! She kept telling me over and over "Mom, nows shun!", which translates to: "Mom, snow fun!"

1 comment:
Oh my word, you and I had identical afternoons yesterday, complete with hot chocolate! Looks like you guys had a blast!
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