June 04, 2012

Lilly's ONE year Portraits

I decided I would try to take Lilly's one year pictures myself.  Some friends of the family recently bought a new place in Arvada with lots of land and pretty trees and nice clean white out buildings.  I asked them if they would mind if I used their place as my "studio".  Of course, they did not mind.  Yesterday was the perfect overcast day to do it.  I loaded up a few props and outfits for Lilly and headed over.  I'm feeling pretty confident with my camera skills these days, the trick would be to get Lilly to cooperate.  I kept telling myself, "I just need ONE good one, just one."  Well, I got it!  Just one good one, but its a winner for sure!  I snapped off about 80 frames, and determined that my biggest issue was making sure that I had Lilly in focus.  I had several frames that were completely blurry, but mostly images of Lilly looking like she could give a crap about what I wanted.  Overall, I'm pretty darn proud of myself.  So, here is the one good one, and a few others that I felt were worthy enough to be seen by the world.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

CUTE, Momma!!! What a great series of shots! I'm a terrible person, because my personal favorite is the last one with her off the chair. That just seems like something that would happen to us, so I can totally relate... :) LOVE your pics!


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