I have cute girls. What can I say, they melt my heart, especially when they are playing nicely together. Cecilia has a tendency to act like your typical two year old most of the time, but she is getting better about playing gently with her sister.
We (by we, I mean Jon) got the gardens started. The girls helped him plant the cucumbers.
I've had the pleasure and honor to watch my cousin's baby on Monday's. Eva has been a joy to have. It has been so nice during May that we've made it a regular part of the day to have snacks outside in the afternoon.
The May festivities kicked off on May 12th. My good friend, Kirsten, got married! I am so happy for her. Kirsten and Greg had a beautiful wedding! It's such a small world: I have known Kirsten for about 11 years now. I have also known Greg's family for about the same amount of time, just not as well. Greg's family went to the same church that I went to growing up and his younger brother and I were in youth group together. We ran into so many people that I knew from those days at their wedding and it was great to catch up.
May 13th was Mother's day and Lillian Jeanne's birthday!
The week after Lilly's birthday, the girls were troopers with me as we went all over town to make some returns and exchanges. They were so good, so I let them ride the carousel at one of the malls. They were so cute!
The girls and I headed up to my parents house for a few days to visit GK and Grandpa as they drove through from AZ to CO for the summer. It was beautiful up there! It's always a treat to get up the hill, especially in the middle of the week. The highlights: Spending time with GK and Grandpa, Cecilia watched "Buzz" with Pops, we visited the new schools in Fairplay, and Lilly took a nap with me.
The sun has been HOT! We've had the opportunity to get in the pool more than once. Lilly is starting to get the hang of it.
We had a party weekend number 2 on the 19th & 20th. We started the day heading way South to Elizabeth for my cousin Mickey's HS graduation. I felt so bad for him though because it rained that morning, so only four people were able to go to the ceremony. Congrats Mickey!

We still had a nice time at the party though. Cecilia and Lilly fell asleep in the car on the way there. At the house, Cecilia found a ball and the basketball hoop and knew just what to do. She was being too cute!
After that party we headed way back up North to Superior for a Confirmation party. Then on Sunday, after church, my dad, my brother, and Jon went and picked up the new play set for the girls. Cecilia was SO excited to see it arrive. We temporarily set it up so Cecilia could test it out.

Then we headed to a 50th birthday party for a friend. It was a party weekend for sure! We snapped a few fun pics at the party. Here is my mom with Lilly and Andrew, Lilly and I, and Cecilia in her new hand-me-down Buzz shirt that she is now completely obsessed with.
Lilly has gotten so big this month. She loves this little chair. She will climb into it and clap for herself. She will rock her self in it too. So cute!!

Since Cecilia is done with school now, that means more trips to the grocery store with both girls in tow. They are trying to escape, and Cecilia is leading the way. Notice how they both have a foot in the air. Ya, I panicked a tiny bit, and I will never use this cart again.
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