I have been printing photos that I wanted to display in my home for over a year now. They have been sitting on my desk waiting to be seen. I struggled with how to display them because I didn't want to put a gazillion holes in my walls, and I want to be able to change out the photos easily. I also didn't want to constantly be straightening frames on the wall. I finally found the solution: IKEA! Jon and I had our first IKEA shopping experience a few weekends ago, and I had found
these awesome picture rails on their website. They had to be bought. IKEA was a pretty awesome experience. They have some great solutions for organization. It is huge, and we came to the agreement that it is its own city.
Maybe a month or two ago I thought, "I'll just be all DIY and buy frames at the ARC store and paint them white." I even thought, "I'll photography my process and do a blog post on how DIY I am."
Right. I did buy a bunch of frames. I did buy spray paint. I even painted about 8 frames. They looked like crap. Maybe if I had time to sand, and find an dust free space, and donate my children to a good cause for three days, then that would have been brilliant. The frames are going back to ARC on Monday via tax deduction donation.
I went back to IKEA last weekend and braved the Saturday crowds with a girlfriend and bought frames. Why would I go all the way back to IKEA for frames? Because you can not even come close, not with a 10 foot stick, to their prices. I think the most expensive frame I purchased was $4.99 for an 8x10. Hobby Lobby was $6 for a 5x7. So, the finished product looks awesome, and I am so happy this is done. I love it!
Your project turned out fantastic!
I HEART IKEA! And your picture wall!
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