There have been signs of fort making in my living room. Who needs toys??
I love pinterest. I found this activity for Cecilia. She is quite the chemist. She did this for about 45 minutes. It was awesome!
Lilly has taken a liking to her blankie. She calles it "gee" just like her sister.
I asked Cecilia if she wanted to make a card for Grandma. She proceeded to draw on every page of her coloring pad and then "wrapped" it up.
Cecilia has been promoted to a big girl seat. She now sits in this seat with just a seat belt. It has been so nice to buckle her in now. She had to buckle her baby in one last time.
I've kept up with my running. I'm 5 weeks in now, and Friday will be my first looong run for 20 mins with out walking. Here's a pic with me and my girls after a morning run.
We got some rain in July. It was so wonderful. My girls were totally fascinated with the water falling from the sky.
Daddy and Cecilia built a pretty amazing castle. Cecilia tried to get inside it because she's a princess.
Speaking of Lilly. Her hair is really starting to grow. Its very light and strawberry-blonde in color.
The Great-Ma came to visit us a few times. We are lucky enough to live close to the wholesale flower place where she goes to purchase her flowers. She's been here for lunch and story time. I just love that my girls get time with their Great Grandma.
There was a PARTY!! My Uncle Bob got married back in October, and he and his new wife, Wendy, came to town for a family celebration of their wedding. Pat & Sarah aslo came to town to celebrate. There were lots of family photos taken.

At the party, Lilly and Eva got into some shenanigans. Oh, these two are going to give us some trouble in the future. They found the ice chest! HA, get it, ice?!?! Can't you hear them saying, "Here, cousin, its so good. This is the best!" "Oh, yeah, its so good when it hits your gums. Its totally magical!"
I snapped this one of Cecilia at the party too. She's such a dolly to me. I love her.
This is a picture from the party too, but I singled it out because we got to spend a lot of time with Petey this summer. He left yesterday to travel all over Europe and study in Florence, Italy, for a semester. We will miss him so much!
The day after the party, we celebrated my parents 30th wedding anniversary. Their actual anniversary is today, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD!! We went to mass as a family and they renewed their vows at the same church they were married at. The church has since added on and has a brand new worship space, but it was still cool to be at the same church. Then we took Mom and Dad out for a wonderful brunch at Ya Ya's. They have the best. brunch. ever. 

Cecilia's received so many birthday presents. They all had the same theme: Buzz Lightyear. She is a little obsessed. Just a tad. She got Buzz and Woody jammies from Grandma and Pops. Grandma Cheryl brought her a Buzz Lightyear doll with all the bells and whistles. His helmet even does that woosh thing! And her Godparents, Uncle Pat & Aunt Sarah, got her a full Buzz costume complete with wings. Cecilia loves to say "to infinity and beyond!" and then she puts her hand up in the air. Too cute! Buzz Lightyear, to the rescue!
1 comment:
Looks like you guys have had an awesome month! Your pics are so cute, I always love looking at your creations!
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