December 15, 2012

Stars = Sticker

Although, Cecilia has been potty trained durring the day for Months now, she hadn't mastered staying dry through the night until recently.  I was tired of buying pull-ups, and I was convinced that she could do it.  Despite our efforts to limit her liquids in the evening, and having her go right before bed time, she would still be wet in the morning, or soak through her pull-up in the middle of the night.  That's when I thought that maybe she just needed to know that it was ok to get up and go to the potty in the middle of the night.  Her pull-ups have stars on them that disappear when they get wet, so we talked to her about waking up and going pee in the potty at night time so that her stars would still be there in the morning.  Then we made "The Sticker Chart".  If she still had her stars in the morning, then she got a sticker.  I was shocked at how quickly she understood this concept.  She only had two nights right at the beginning when she was wet in the morning, every other night she has gotten up and gone potty and gone straight back to bed.  She still needs me to come with her for motivation/encouragement/help, but I'll take it over having to buy more pull-ups or having to change her bed three times a week.  We are so proud of her!  She filled up her sticker chart, (15 stickers!) and got a special present.  Cinderella the movie.  She has been all about Cinderella recently, so the fact that it was on sale at Costco recently was perfect.

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