February 20, 2009

Small Fry Update

We had a Dr.'s appointment on Wednesday for Small Fry. Everything looks good. I gave them more of my blood to finish up the Sequential Screening test. This test for Downs Syndrome, Spinal Bifida, and Trisomy 18, we should have these results by early next week. We also got to hear Small Fry's heartbeat. That is the most reassuring and beautiful sound in the world to me right now. I have been feeling so much better and I still haven't gained any weight, so it was good to know that our sweet little one is still in there growing and pumping blood. We'll have an ultrasound at the next appointment on March 20 where they look at all of the anatomy and make sure everything looks good. And, for all of the inquiring minds, no- we are NOT finding out if Small Fry is a girl or a boy- it is a surprise.

Last weekend started the invasion of Jon's Man Cave. We got the bookshelves put together for my new office space, and got my desk moved down to the new space as well. I had Monday off, and I was very productive in getting the majority of my office things moved. I realized though, that I am not as strong anymore, and my new little belly makes it difficult to carry laundry baskets full of stuff down the stairs. Hopefully we can get the remainder moved this weekend, so that we can move the guest bedroom and start on the nursery.

Jon has been sick with a cold all week, so far I haven't gotten it, and I am praying that I don't.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

And DO NOT tell anyone the names you are planning on using!! ! ! ! ! ! !

Some one will always have a bad impression of the name and try to talk you out of it!!! Liz was going to be an Audry until I opened my mouth. Couldn't have a Jack or Jackie either!

Tell people: you are determined to go with Viola or Hubert!


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