January 04, 2010

Sick Little Girl

Cecilia, why are you so bundled up and in your car seat so early on a Monday? And why are your cheeks rosy and your eyes glossy? And, my oh my, you look tired!

Cecilia: Oh, you think I look tired, you should see my Mommy! You see, I had to go to the doctor again today because I've had a fever and a nasty cough all weekend. My nose is runny and I keep pulling my ear. Dr. Postel said that my ear infection is back, and I have a bad cold. Looks like more antibiotics and more tears. Hopefully my two front teeth break through soon! Then I will feel better, and Mom can get some sleep. Maybe tonight I'll only get up 3 times instead of 5, maybe.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

This too shall pass!


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