July 20, 2012

Couch to 5k

What do you mean chasing small children doesn't count as a work out??  

I have come to this realization.  I have also been wanting to start exercising for a while.  I thought yoga or zumba would be fun, but all of the times for the classes were either right at dinner or bed time (for the girls).  My neighbor started running this summer, and has motivated me to start thinking about running for exercise.  She even called me out on a FB post, claiming that I would sign up to do a 5k.  Nice push!  The thought of running over three miles makes me want to start gasping for air and die right now.  I've never been a runner.  I think I "ran" track in middle school, but I know I was always last.  And lets just say that running after having two kids calls for some extra gear compared to when I was twelve.

So, I found this running program, called Couch to 5k.  I looked at the first week, which is a walk, then 60 seconds of running with a 90 second walk, then repeat, for a total of 20 minutes.  I thought, ok, I can do that.  I haven't looked more than about three weeks ahead to see what I will have to run.  I figure I should just focus on one step at a time.  I also found this awesome podcast with a British trainer, Laura, and great music.  She tells me when to walk and when to run, and she tells me what a good job I'm doing :)

I did sign up for the 5k that my neighbor is doing.  My cousin also signed up with me.  Its on August 17, and its a fun night time run with glow sticks and stuff.  I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not sure that I'll be ready to run the whole thing.  I'm planning to sign up for another race in September at the end of the 9 week program to prove to myself that I can do it.  

Stella has been running with me, and she has been great to have at my side.  She need the exercise too with all the table scraps she eats from the girls.  I'm almost through my second week, and so far, I'm pretty proud of myself.  Its been nice to get out by myself for 30-45 minutes after the girls go down, and I don't feel like I'm abandoning them.


Unknown said...

GO YOU!! I'm so proud of you for taking this on... maybe you can give me some pointers after this kid is born! Because I stopped running after my miscarriage (like an idiot!), it's been a year since I've run.

Teresa said...

So, did (my) Sara sign up with you?

I think she also took pics of her shoes!

Beth Fries said...

I'm not sure where Sara is running. I haven't heard of plans to come to CO.


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