So, I'm a little behind. It's been busy around here. Superbowl weekend was especially busy. Cecilia was in the mood for some football! Too bad she didn't have a Steelers outfit, but none the less, she was cute. Jon took her over to her closet and she picked out her only football related outfit. I think it just might fit in the fall.

Saturday was the Chocolate Affair in Olde Town Arvada. They had a chocolate chip cookie contest, so I thought I would give it a try. Cecilia helped me bake up a batch of cookies that morning.

My parents came down the mountain in the late morning. Mom and I headed off to Olde Town to drop of my cookies for judging and to see about all the chocolate. We sampled lots of delicious chocolate in various stores. We stopped into
Scrumptious and Mom reverted to an 8 year old little girl again. They have lots of candy that you don't see everywhere, and when she spotted the Carmel Cremes, she was transported back to her PA neighborhood. She was so cute! She grabbed them off the stand with both hands, let out a gasp and a huge smile came on her face as she held them to her chest. I had to do a double take and make sure it was my Mom still. She had almost the same reaction when she found the Bottlecaps and Pop Rocks.

My cookies didn't place at the contest. There were 26 entries. It was fun to participate, and there is always next year.

Saturday night we had the pleasure of celebrating the 25th wedding anniversary with good friends of the family, Juliette and Kevin. Mom, Dad, Jon, and I had a delightful time!
Sunday morning I helped out at the
Hitched in the Highlands 2 race. I did this last year too. It is a race for a $20,000+ wedding that takes place in the Highlands area. My friends at Happy Cakes put it all together, and I was honored to have Fries the Moment Design contribute to it again this year.
Then it was finally time for the Super Bowl. We headed to Ma & Pa's house to root on the Steelers. Sadly, they gave the game away :( It was still fun to be with family and to watch Cecilia play with her cousins. She is especially fond of her cousin Andrew, only 3 years her senior. I think they will be good buddies as they get older.