June 21, 2013

Yard Work

A few weeks ago, I was out for a few hours in the morning and left the girls with a sitter.  When I returned home, they were playing in the backyard.  I immediately noticed white string all over the yard.  Upon inquiring what happened, Cecilia was proud to tell me she made a "spider web".  Oh what a web it was.  She had unwound the ENTIRE spool of string and wrapped it around the swing set, garden posts, patio table and chairs, the playhouse, grill, bikes, patio posts, etc.  There was probably over 300 feet of sting that had to be rewound onto the spool.  

Summer means lawn mowing.  Looks like Lilly is *almost* ready to take on this chore.  Take a bow, Lilly Jeanne.  Take a bow.

The new water table has been fun to play with, and ON.  When I caught them playing like this, they were just too cute.  The table is full of water and dirt here (their favorite combination).  Very shortly after I snapped these pictures, Cecilia dumped the entire table over on to Lilly Jeanne and covered her in dirty water.  Then, the fun and games were over.

We've had watering restrictions in place because we are in a drought, but that hasn't prevented me from getting out the new water toy.  The girls took a few minutes to figure out if it was fun or not.

My youngest brother, Pete, is home for the summer, and living and working in Denver.  It has been such a treat to have him around.  Pete and Jon decided to brew a batch of beer with Jon's new turkey fryer.  This way, the brewing can be done outside, keeping the heat and mess out of the house.  Cecilia helped, of course.  Cecilia and Lilly Jeanne were both fascinated with the beer as it fermented too.

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