July 24, 2013

I am the Bounce House: Week 36

Before I get into the details this week, I decided to use BabyHunch.com to put together a Baby Pool where you can guess certain things such as Baby's Birthdate (date and time), Baby's Sex, Baby's Weight, etc,.  If you'd like to play, simply click the link provided below to submit your hunches!

Once you visit the page, click 'Enter New Hunches' to submit your hunches...

For Refrence: 
Cecilia was 2 days early, 6lbs 13 oz, 20.25 inches
Lilly Jeanne was 4 days late, 8lbs 7 oz, 20.75 inches

Also, Please start praying now for an easy, short labor, with no extra complications and healthy baby and mama :)  THANKS!

I don't have an actual 36 week belly pic for you.  Refer to any previous post and you'll see that I am most definitely pregnant.  The most recent development is that this baby moves a TON!  So much so that baby was breech as of Monday.  Baby has been flipping so much that baby will be vertical at 3pm and transverse by bed time.  At my appointment on Monday, my midwife had an ultrasound done to confirm that baby was in fact breech, and we scheduled a version for this coming Tuesday the 30th.  A version is where the doctor will try to turn the baby externally.   The procedure is done in the hospital.  They will give me an IV with a drug that will make me feel like I've drank 3 cups of coffee and ran a mile, but it will also loosen up my uterus.  Tuesday is Jon and I's anniversary, so the good news is that we will get to spend the morning together.  Although, if baby is still breech and they are able to flip baby, there is no guarantee that baby will stay head down, which could mean a C-section.  At the ultra sound baby was measuring in the 40th percentile at approximately 5lbs, 14 oz. and was measuring a 17 on the amniotic fluid scale.  To do a version, a good amount of fluid is anywhere between 11-15.  This is good news and bad news.  Baby is small and has a lot of space to move, hence all the filpping, which could also mean that baby will flip back to breach or transverse on its own.  We will see how it goes.  In the mean time, I've been doing some ridiculous exercises to try and stretch the ligaments to allow baby some more room to flip on their own.

It was really cool to see baby at 36 weeks on the ultrasound.  There was so much detail.  We could even see hair, and lots of it!  So, at least all this heartburn hasn't been for nothing :)

How Far Along: 36 Weeks

Size of Baby: 5 lbs. 14oz. and approximately 18.5 inches long.  Think head of romaine lettuce.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 20 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Nothing new.  Although I did barrow this awesome maternity support belt from a friend.  It has been great, especially when I'm going to be doing a lot of walking and late in the afternoon when I get really sore.  At this point, I'm ready to be back in regular jeans.

Baby Movement: See above.  I am the bounce house.

Sleep:  Oh, we have a love/hate relationship at this point.  I crave sleep.  I can't wait to go to bed.  I am up half the night because my brain won't turn off and I have to pee all the time.

What I miss: Energy, and being able to bend over and pick things up.

Cravings:  Ice Cream.

Aversions:  Not too much.  I guess it depends on the day, or time of day.  

Symptoms:  Let's not talk about it.

Best Moment:  36 week ultrasound.  Getting out all the itty bitty clothes and baby things out for the nursery.

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