Nora continues to be a strong little one. She found her toes, which is my all time favorite little baby trick. She has started rolling over, but no one has actually seen her do it. We will leaver her on her back on her play mat and then look back at her a few minutes later and she will be on her tummy. Leave her alone again and she'll be back on her back. She is also practicing these new tricks in the middle of the night, but can't seem to fall back to sleep when she rolls to her back. For the record, I'm not a fan of practicing this trick in the middle of the night. In addition to rolling, she has figured out how to arch her back when she's on her back and push herself around. She about gave me a heart attack when she first did this on the changing table and nearly pushed her self off and into the hamper.
She is also enjoying the excersaucer now too. She likes to be upright, and she is starting to reach for everything- toys, plates, mugs full of hot coffee, knives, paper, etc.
She has also found her thumb a few times. When I noticed it the first time, I announced it to those standing around, and my sweet thumb addict Lilly Jeanne got so excited and said "YAY NORA!"

She smiles all the time, but she really makes you work for her giggles. She babbles a lot now, and likes to blow raspberries. Oh, and since we are on the topic of oral development lets talk about how much she drools. WOW- she will soak through a bib in half a day, and if I forget to put a bib on her, she will need an entire outfit change by lunch.
The hair. She has a full on mohawk at this point. She has rubbed off any hair that was on the sides of her head, and all that is left is this totally awesome mohawk. She has earned the nickname "Truffula" (as in the Truffula Trees from the Lorax) because of her fluffy hair. (And as a side note, these Truffula Trees may have provided inspiration for her 1st birthday party theme...)
We also call her Nora Nora, Nora Lou, Lou Lou, Blue Eyes, Peanut, Peanut Brittle, and This. Yes, sadly, it has come down to "can you hold This, while I help that one with such and such?"
We are finally getting onto a regular schedule with Nora. And hooray for mommy- her afternoon nap has mostly coincided with the big girls nap too. That, my friends, is a touchdown-grandslam-goal-3-point-basket in the game of Mommy. Nora is napping about 3-4 times a day right now, and is sleeping really well at night. She will go down around 7pm and get up once or twice and get up around 6:30am. (Please knock on some wood for me now- thanks!).
She is starting to tollerate her car seat much better. Thank goodness!
She sneezes just like her Pops. I can't really explain it in writing, so you'll just have to trust me. Also, she appears to be allergic to the sunlight and camera flashes. She will probably hate me for this when she's a teenager, but this is a picture I caught of her in the morning with the flash of my camera. Yes it is mid sneeze. Hehehe.
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