May 17, 2010


Tooth #2 has arrived (finally) in C's mouth (came in on Monday), and let me tell you, those teeny tiny teeth are sharp! I am so glad that her bottom teeth are in, and I am hopeful that the next rounds of teething aren't as painful for her (and me). Teeth or not, she has begun to experience and enjoy all kinds of food. It is so nice that she eats what we are eating, and I don't have to prepare her meal separately anymore. Can you guess what was for dinner?

We haven't been too busy the past few weeks. Jon has been busy in the yard, prepping the garden, mowing the grass, and trimming the hedges. He also cleaned up the back porch and we have been able to enjoy some meals in the warm weather. Our flowers in the front of the house are gorgeous right now!I have been trying to capture the 9 month picture for a couple of weeks now. I would like one of her standing and giving me her big ham-n-cheese-ball grin that she does. I am getting closer.We also bought C a new ball, she thinks that it is the most fun thing EVER! She is full of giggles when she plays with it.
We have been planning our projects and events for the summer. The main project is going to be the windows. We are going to be measuring and ordering the rest of the upstairs windows next weekend. We hope to have that project completed by mid-July. We have two main events this summer too. We will be heading to NY for my brother Pat's graduation in June from USMMA, and then he will be getting married in August in Fairplay, CO. I am starting to wrap my head around travel plans and what to bring/ what not to bring for Cecilia, especially to NY. It is going to be an adventure!

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