December 19, 2010

Holiday Date Night

Last night Jon and I got to go on a holiday date night with our good friends, Emily and Shawn. We decided to splurge a little and go to Bella Bistro before heading to "A Christmas Carol" at the Arvada Center. Dinner was AMAZING! This was the second time we have been to Bella Bistro (the first was for our anniversary this year). The food is so good. It is definitely pricey, and definitely somewhere that we only can afford to go for major celebrations, but oh so worth it. We celebrated Jon's new job, Christmas, and good friends!

The show was really good too. The Arvada Center does such a good job! The set was remarkable, and the singing and dancing told the story in a way I've never seen before. There were parts of the show that made me a little teary too. We are so lucky to have such wonderful food and entertainment all within about two miles of our home.

In other news, Sweet Potato is getting big, and I am popping! Not enough to wear maternity dresses yet, (which caused me to have to go buy a dress for last nights festivities) but popping none the less. I will be 20 weeks pregnant tomorrow. This thought makes me crazy! How can it be half way already?!?!?!?! This pregnancy is going so fast and I would love to know how to slow it down just a tad. Baby is moving all the time now. The movement is different from Cecilia and I think that has to do with the fact that the placenta is in the front this time, so the movement I feel is "muffled" compared to how it was with Cecilia. The next ultrasound is on the 30th and I can't wait to see my little one again :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lookin' good momma! Isn't it fun to have those date nights with good friends? We're pretty lucky to have those we love around to support us!


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