December 28, 2011

Christmas Card

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Fries'.  Here is our card from this year (designed by yours truly). 

If you've followed the blog for the year, you know just about everything on the back of the card.  It is our year-in-review.  Here is the text in an easier to read format:

We have been so blessed this year!  The biggest headline for the Fries family was the addition of Lillian Jeanne.  After a very long and eventful labor, she was born safely on May 13, 2011. We keep remarking at how different our girls are, given that they came from the same pantry of ingredients.  Lilly is happy, quiet, and overall very content.  When she was brand new, she wasn’t keeping any food down.  We eventually found out that she has a milk protein allergy. Because of this, I have had no dairy since she was about 6 weeks old. For the record, this is not a diet that I plan to continue after she is done nursing, I miss cheese!  She is crawling around, trying to keep up with her big sister. 

Cecilia has grown so much this year.  Her vocabulary is increasing everyday.  She turned two in July, and she is fitting all of the stereotypes for that age perfectly.    She is definitely the driving energy in the house.  We joke that she has two speeds, sleep and 300 MPH.  She started preschool this fall.  She goes two mornings a week for four hours and she loves it. 

Jon started a new job at the beginning of the year.  He was hired on at Ball Aerospace as a Software Engineer.  It has been a much better fit for him and our family.  He is working on a large project that has the potential to carry him far into his career. Jon went hunting for elk (or as I say, gallivanting in the woods) this fall.  He saw several elk, but we will still be frequent shoppers at Costco for next year’s protein.

The girls have been my priority.  This year especially I feel so blessed and grateful to be their Mom.  I am trying to enjoy every moment, even when Cecilia has cracked a dozen eggs on the floor while I take a five minute shower.  I have taken on the MOPS Coordinator role at my church.  We have a wonderful group of moms this year, and so far it has been very fulfilling.  I have been designing all year with my business, Fries the Moment Design.  I enjoy the creativity and the break from the day-to-day routine it provides.

The house has remained largely unchanged this year.  Jon and my Dad redid the plumbing in March. The galvanized pipes were rusting through in so many places.  The new PEX tubing has made a huge difference.  We traveled out to Virginia in July for a Schelke Family reunion and we also had some time with the Shuler relatives.  It was nice to get away and to visit with family that we only see every three years.  The girls were fantastic travelers.  My parents earned big gold stars for helping me with two-under-two get across the country and back!

We hope that you and yours are enjoying the holiday season.  We are happy to have you in our circle of family and friends.  We wish you many blessings for 2012.

Jon, Beth, Cecilia, and Lilly                                                    Written by Beth Fries, Editor in Chief


AJ and Cindy said...

I adored your Christmas card, so cute! Those pics of you all turned out awesome as well. and that soup you posted below sounds so yummy, I have been wanting to try that out, those kinds of soups are my favorite!

Elaine VanDRiver said...

Very cute! I read the whole card all small before I realized you put the text in your post! Love the newspaper theme!


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