April 13, 2012

Easter Weekend

We had a glorious Easter Weekend.  The weather was so absolutely beautiful!  Jon left work a little early on Friday to take advantage of the sunny day.  Friday was windy, like blow you off your bike windy.  Literally.  We went for a ride to a park that was a little further away and I was literally blown off my bike when we came to a break in the houses.  The girls had fun riding in their new bike trailer though.

Saturday we dyed eggs as a family.  Cecilia had so much fun, and was very particular about which egg should go into the dye and when it should come out.  Lilly wanted to play too, and was a little perturbed that I strapped her into her seat on the other side of the table from the dye.

My parents came down on Saturday afternoon and joined me for the Easter Vigil to complete the Triduum at my church.  It was a wonderful Mass.  It was a smaller group of new Catholics this year, but still wonderful to be apart of.  The most moving part of the mass was when a new mom was baptized while holding her infant baby girl and then she stepped over and had her baby girl baptized too.  It was beautiful!

The Easter Bunny came and hid all of the eggs and the Easter baskets too.  The Easter bunny also found Mrs. Potato Head's eyes in the eggs.  We've been looking for those!  Cecilia needed no help with the egg hunt this year, she was a pro.  Lilly found a few eggs too, and was very content with her two eggs.

We headed down to Ma & Pa's house for yummy food, an egg hunt, and kite flying.  The perfect Easter tradition.  We were blessed with amazing weather and wonderful company!

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