August 15, 2012

Growing Girls

The girls had their milestone checkups recently.  Here are the stats for the record book:

Cecilia, Age 3
30lbs, 40th Percentile
37 Inches, 40th Percentile

Lillian, Age 15 months
19lbs 9oz, 25th Percentile
28.75 inches, 25th Percentile

(As a side note, when is it no longer appropriate to talk about your kids weight via the internet???)

They both checked out just fine.  Well and healthy, and thats all a Mama can ask for.  I feel like I've been slacking on keeping track of what they have been doing and saying.  So, let me count the ways I love them right now.

  • She is talking up a storm, finally!  Speech therapy is going very well, and she is practicing her 'f', 'w', and 'k' sounds all the time.  These sounds are still not natural for her, and we remind her often to "use your 'f' sound, bite your lip", but she is getting it, and she is really liking therapy.
  • She is 100% obsessed with Buzz Lightyear and Woody.  Its a little ridiculous.  
  • She loves to sing in the car to the Wee Sing CD or the Toy Story Soundtrack.  It really is adorable to hear her little voice in the back seat.  I think that all of the singing has really helped her talking and her ability to put more words together.  
  • She is so my type-A daughter.  She is always concerned with what Lilly is doing, and will not hesitate to correct her, or "help" her do something.  
  • She is still having about 1 accident per day, and wears a pull-up at night.
  • She still loves her blankie.  At nap time and bed time she wants me to put her "gee" on her pillow, but when I go to kiss her before I go to bed she has wrapped herself in her blanket like a mummy.  
  • She is all about coloring right now.  I love it!  She is getting really good at coloring lines and circles, and coloring specific areas of a coloring page different colors.  
  • She calls her sister "Jeanne" most of the time.  I think its because "Lilly" is hard for her to say, so she defaults to "Jeanne".
  • She will call her friends on the toy phones and have conversations.  It cracks me up!  She will also take pictures with her toy camera all the time.  The other day she lined up most of the shoes in the house and stood on the ottoman and took pictures of them.  (I wonder where she learned these things...)
  • She loves to stack and line up things.  She can be very orderly when she wants to be.
  • She has started to do this awkward smile thing.  It has made getting 3 year pictures of her very difficult.
  • She insists on wearing her shoes on the wrong feet and her sunglasses upside down.
  • She still takes a glorious 2 hour nap everyday.

  • Lilly is also talking, talking, talking.  I think we are up to about 50 words.  She amazes me with her speech.  She is also starting to put two words together, on occasion.  Its usually "bye-bye, Dada" or the like.
  • She loves her sister, and calls her "sisser".  She will follow Cecilia around, and mimic just about everything that C does, for better or for worse.
  • Lilly is not a big fan of the bath tub.  She's a get in, get clean, get out NOW, kind of gal.
  • She is so snuggly.  I love it!  She will cuddle with me at just about any time of the day.  She is getting so big, and I try to commit to memory how her little body feels snuggled with me, because I know it won't last forever.  
  • She is trying to give up her morning nap, again.  I can't figure it out.  She will go 3-4 days without a morning nap, and then 2-3 days with a morning nap.  I'm just going with the flow.  I'll take a morning nap from her as long as I can.
  • She loves babies.  She will spot them everywhere and get so excited and tell me "Baby! Baby!"
  • She is such a good eater.  She will regularly eat more than her sister, and sometimes finish what C doesn't eat. 
  • She is getting so stable on her feet.  Walking is her primary mode of transportation, and she is able to navigate small obstacles too.
  • She loves books.  She will bring me books all the time and tell me "book" and crawl in my lap and flip the pages.  
  • She knows where her eyes, ears, mouth, noes, feet, and belly are.  She particularly likes her belly, and will pull her shirt up to show us her round belly after she eats.  
  • She has 10 teeth with 11 & 12 coming in fast.

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