February 01, 2010

Baby Product Reviews

I found an email that I sent to a friend when Cecilia was about 1 month old about the products that I was so happy that we had. I thought I would post it on the blog and add a few items to it.

The Newborn Lounger- she loved this, and it was so easy to move her around the house in it when she was itty-bitty. She would lay in it on the table while we were eating, and I could bring her to my office while she was sleeping too.

The Baby Bjorn- She practically lived in this for the first three months of life. If I let her, she would stay in it all day. We still use it regularly when we go out. It is perfect for grocery shopping and other errands.

The Itzbeen Timer- I didn't think that I would use this, but it was great to have. The nightlight on it alone is worth it. And, the timer features are great, especially for feeding, because then you know exactly how long it has been since the last feeding, and you don't have to do math at 3AM :) We used the timer from the time she came home from the hospital till she got moved into her own room at about 10 weeks old.

Pacifiers- We started using these on day 5, and wish I would have used sooner. She won't even take a pacifier now, but she did before my milk came in to soothe herself. Don't worry about "nipple confusion", I think it is a crock, along with my pediatrician.

At least a Manual Breast Pump- In the early days, it was so helpful- trust me.

gDiapers- We decided to use gDiapers before Cecilia was born. I don't consider myself an uber "green" person, however, I like to do what I can for the environment. When I discovered that regular disposable diapers take 500+ years to decompose in the landfills, I was a little shocked
(Diaper math: 1 baby x 8 diapers/day x 2.5 years...). I discovered gDiapers from a co-worker and looked into it. They are the perfect balance between disposable and cloth (I was not even going to consider cloth- to much laundry!). The inserts of the gDiaper is disposable, compostable, even flushable. We do not flush, our plumbing is 53 years old. The insert completely biodegrades in 90 days, and the outside is washable. We had a total of 9 covers for her, so even if they all needed washed it did not create an additional load of laundry. Overall, I have found them easy to use, and the covers are super cute on her little tush ;)

Diaper Champ- We were going to register for the Diaper Genie, but when some friends of ours told us that theirs broke on the way out of the box we decided against it. The Champ has been great, and the best part about it, is that it takes regular trash bags, and not the expensive special bags that you have to use with the Genie.

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