February 06, 2010

Sweet Potatoes

Yesterday was Cecilia's 6 month check up. She was so cute! I'm bummed that I forgot the camera because she was being such a sweetie and showing off all of her new tricks for Dr. Postel. Here are her stats:
Weight: 14 lbs. 10 oz., 50%
Length: 26.25 in., 75%
Head: 43 cm
Her weight gain has definitely slowed down because she is moving around soooo much. She is a healthy and lean little baby. The fever that she had all last weekend was accompanied by a rash that has stuck around, and Dr. Postel informed us that it was Roseola. The good news is that she can only get it once, and her fever didn't get that high. She got 3 shots- no fun! We were also given the green light to start new foods. We will start with orange vegetables and go from there. She can only have one kind for a few days before we can try a new vegetable to make sure she doesn't have any reactions. So, on our way home we stopped at target and picked up a variety of baby food. It is my ultimate plan to make her foods, because it will be way cheaper and it is really very easy to do. I plan to stock up this week at Costco to get started. We also bought her 2 new toys because she was getting a little bored with the ones at home. I think that Jon and I had more fun in the toy isle at Target than C did!

Cecilia LOVED her sweet potatoes! She ate about 90% of the container of sweet potatoes (minus the mess). Once she figured out how yummy they were she started reaching for my hand with the spoon and pulling it into her mouth. Stella has learned where to sit when Cecilia is eating, and Cecilia has learned how to share with Stella. Thank goodness she loves bath time too. She sure did need it!

Here are some giggles to brighten your day!

1 comment:

jeanna said...

Loved the pics and the video. The end of video was very funny!


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