February 23, 2010
Cecilia has been eating solid foods for about two and a half weeks now. She has yet to find a food she does not like. She has had avocado, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes with corn, green beans, apples, oranges, and bananas. She also likes her puffs which come in a variety of flavors and keep her busy learning pinch-grasp and hand-eye coordination. I think that squash is so far her favorite, but she really likes her green beans too. You know what they say about beans though- they are magical, and Cecilia is no exception! She is so cute when she eats. She can be very aggressive and really go after the spoon. She also hums "mmmMMMMmmmMMM" with every bite. It is fun to see what she likes, and to have her sit with us at the dinner table. She is a good eater, and getting less messy with every meal. Still, I'm so glad I can take her seat apart and throw it in the laundry. Against her Daddy and her Grandma's preferences, peas are next. We will see how she likes/doesn't like them.

February 20, 2010
Little Fish
We took Cecilia swimming for the first time yesterday. She LOVED the water. She loved to splash and kick. She loved to zoom around and bounce up and down. She even loved to float in the water. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find an infant swim suit for her this time of year, but Target came through for me, once again (I heart Target). I found the swim diapers, and the swim suits, but they started at size 9 month. I was going to get her a one piece, but it looked huge on the hangar, and I knew that it wouldn't work on her little body. So the cute ruffled bikini it was. We went to the APEX Center, and tried out all three pools that they have. Cecilia was so intrigued by the play area and all of the kids running around. They have one of those monster water- jungle-jim things with slides and fountains everywhere. Then we tried the lap pool in the lane that said "Family/Adult Lap Lane", but we were informed that infants were not allowed in the lap pool- sheesh! So we wandered over to the other large pool where the big slides dump into and finished up our playing. It was so fun to take her as a family. We are so lucky and blessed that Jon is able to have Fridays with us.

February 16, 2010
Valentines Day, Part 2
We picked up Grandma and Pops at the airport. They were in AZ visiting Grandma Katy and Grandpa Jim for the weekend. Cecilia was so happy to see Pops and tell him "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Pops' birthday was Saturday.

Jon and I made dinner together. We had planned on steak, and Jon found lobster tails at Sunflower market on sale, so we splurged a tiny bit. We also had artichoke and salad. We also had a bottle of Prosecco that was left over from New Years. Cecilia joined in and had gourmet squash. We also made chocolate dipped strawberries together for dessert. It was a wonderful dinner, tasty and budget friendly ;)

Jon and I made dinner together. We had planned on steak, and Jon found lobster tails at Sunflower market on sale, so we splurged a tiny bit. We also had artichoke and salad. We also had a bottle of Prosecco that was left over from New Years. Cecilia joined in and had gourmet squash. We also made chocolate dipped strawberries together for dessert. It was a wonderful dinner, tasty and budget friendly ;)
February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day
This year, Jon and I celebrated Valentine's Day with dinner at DiCicco's on Friday night, with out Cecilia. It was so nice to have dinner together, and an evening with just the two of us. We appreciated our time together so much more. Cecilia stayed at a friends house and did great, despite her anti-nap day. We even got a text message during dinner of Cecilia napping on the shoulder of our friends 8 year old daughter, so sweet!
I decked Cecilia out in her little heart dress and cute pink shoes (which only stayed on long enough for a picture or two) for her first Valentines Day.

I decked Cecilia out in her little heart dress and cute pink shoes (which only stayed on long enough for a picture or two) for her first Valentines Day.

February 12, 2010
Look Alike
From the moment that Cecilia was born she has been told that she looks "a lot like her Daddy". So I thought that I would dig out some baby pictures of Jon and I to see who she looks like at this age. Maybe I am biased, but I think that she looks more like me than her Daddy...
February 11, 2010
Olly Olly Oxen Free
I have been curious for a while now as to who actually reads this blog. I know that what I write and share can be read by anybody, but it would kind of be interesting to see who you are. I can see that I have 6 followers, and I know that I have about 10 subscribers, but I really don't know who you are. So, help me out and leave a comment to this post and introduce yourself if I don't know you. Even if I do know you, leave a comment. Don't be shy, come out of hiding.
February 06, 2010
Sweet Potatoes
Yesterday was Cecilia's 6 month check up. She was so cute! I'm bummed that I forgot the camera because she was being such a sweetie and showing off all of her new tricks for Dr. Postel. Here are her stats:
Cecilia LOVED her sweet potatoes! She ate about 90% of the container of sweet potatoes (minus the mess). Once she figured out how yummy they were she started reaching for my hand with the spoon and pulling it into her mouth. Stella has learned where to sit when Cecilia is eating, and Cecilia has learned how to share with Stella. Thank goodness she loves bath time too. She sure did need it!

Weight: 14 lbs. 10 oz., 50%
Length: 26.25 in., 75%
Head: 43 cm
Her weight gain has definitely slowed down because she is moving around soooo much. She is a healthy and lean little baby. The fever that she had all last weekend was accompanied by a rash that has stuck around, and Dr. Postel informed us that it was Roseola. The good news is that she can only get it once, and her fever didn't get that high. She got 3 shots- no fun! We were also given the green light to start new foods. We will start with orange vegetables and go from there. She can only have one kind for a few days before we can try a new vegetable to make sure she doesn't have any reactions. So, on our way home we stopped at target and picked up a variety of baby food. It is my ultimate plan to make her foods, because it will be way cheaper and it is really very easy to do. I plan to stock up this week at Costco to get started. We also bought her 2 new toys because she was getting a little bored with the ones at home. I think that Jon and I had more fun in the toy isle at Target than C did!Length: 26.25 in., 75%
Head: 43 cm
Cecilia LOVED her sweet potatoes! She ate about 90% of the container of sweet potatoes (minus the mess). Once she figured out how yummy they were she started reaching for my hand with the spoon and pulling it into her mouth. Stella has learned where to sit when Cecilia is eating, and Cecilia has learned how to share with Stella. Thank goodness she loves bath time too. She sure did need it!
Here are some giggles to brighten your day!
February 01, 2010
Baby Product Reviews
I found an email that I sent to a friend when Cecilia was about 1 month old about the products that I was so happy that we had. I thought I would post it on the blog and add a few items to it.
The Newborn Lounger- she loved this, and it was so easy to move her around the house in it when she was itty-bitty. She would lay in it on the table while we were eating, and I could bring her to my office while she was sleeping too.
The Baby Bjorn- She practically lived in this for the first three months of life. If I let her, she would stay in it all day. We still use it regularly when we go out. It is perfect for grocery shopping and other errands.
The Itzbeen Timer- I didn't think that I would use this, but it was great to have. The nightlight on it alone is worth it. And, the timer features are great, especially for feeding, because then you know exactly how long it has been since the last feeding, and you don't have to do math at 3AM :) We used the timer from the time she came home from the hospital till she got moved into her own room at about 10 weeks old.
Pacifiers- We started using these on day 5, and wish I would have used sooner. She won't even take a pacifier now, but she did before my milk came in to soothe herself. Don't worry about "nipple confusion", I think it is a crock, along with my pediatrician.
At least a Manual Breast Pump- In the early days, it was so helpful- trust me.
gDiapers- We decided to use gDiapers before Cecilia was born. I don't consider myself an uber "green" person, however, I like to do what I can for the environment. When I discovered that regular disposable diapers take 500+ years to decompose in the landfills, I was a little shocked
(Diaper math: 1 baby x 8 diapers/day x 2.5 years...). I discovered gDiapers from a co-worker and looked into it. They are the perfect balance between disposable and cloth (I was not even going to consider cloth- to much laundry!). The inserts of the gDiaper is disposable, compostable, even flushable. We do not flush, our plumbing is 53 years old. The insert completely biodegrades in 90 days, and the outside is washable. We had a total of 9 covers for her, so even if they all needed washed it did not create an additional load of laundry. Overall, I have found them easy to use, and the covers are super cute on her little tush ;)
Diaper Champ- We were going to register for the Diaper Genie, but when some friends of ours told us that theirs broke on the way out of the box we decided against it. The Champ has been great, and the best part about it, is that it takes regular trash bags, and not the expensive special bags that you have to use with the Genie.
The Newborn Lounger- she loved this, and it was so easy to move her around the house in it when she was itty-bitty. She would lay in it on the table while we were eating, and I could bring her to my office while she was sleeping too.
The Baby Bjorn- She practically lived in this for the first three months of life. If I let her, she would stay in it all day. We still use it regularly when we go out. It is perfect for grocery shopping and other errands.
The Itzbeen Timer- I didn't think that I would use this, but it was great to have. The nightlight on it alone is worth it. And, the timer features are great, especially for feeding, because then you know exactly how long it has been since the last feeding, and you don't have to do math at 3AM :) We used the timer from the time she came home from the hospital till she got moved into her own room at about 10 weeks old.
Pacifiers- We started using these on day 5, and wish I would have used sooner. She won't even take a pacifier now, but she did before my milk came in to soothe herself. Don't worry about "nipple confusion", I think it is a crock, along with my pediatrician.
At least a Manual Breast Pump- In the early days, it was so helpful- trust me.
gDiapers- We decided to use gDiapers before Cecilia was born. I don't consider myself an uber "green" person, however, I like to do what I can for the environment. When I discovered that regular disposable diapers take 500+ years to decompose in the landfills, I was a little shocked
(Diaper math: 1 baby x 8 diapers/day x 2.5 years...). I discovered gDiapers from a co-worker and looked into it. They are the perfect balance between disposable and cloth (I was not even going to consider cloth- to much laundry!). The inserts of the gDiaper is disposable, compostable, even flushable. We do not flush, our plumbing is 53 years old. The insert completely biodegrades in 90 days, and the outside is washable. We had a total of 9 covers for her, so even if they all needed washed it did not create an additional load of laundry. Overall, I have found them easy to use, and the covers are super cute on her little tush ;)
Diaper Champ- We were going to register for the Diaper Genie, but when some friends of ours told us that theirs broke on the way out of the box we decided against it. The Champ has been great, and the best part about it, is that it takes regular trash bags, and not the expensive special bags that you have to use with the Genie.
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