March 17, 2010

Sludge Removal Scheduled

We just got back from the surgeon's office. We got to see the pictures of the ultrasound, there is definitely sludge present. My surgery is scheduled for next Thursday 3/25 in the afternoon and I will most likely stay overnight in the hospital. My initial recovery will be about two weeks, but the doc was very adamant about resting (which I am NOT good at) for a full 6 weeks- God help me! I am very anxious to get this over with. My symptoms seem to be getting worse by the day, and new ones are popping up. My pain is manageable, but I feel like crud. The surgery will be laparoscopic. They will make 4 small incisions, the largest being just under my rib cage where they will pull the gallbladder out from.

I am most concerned about not being with Cecilia, and her getting enough food. I am a terrible pumper. The most milk I can pump at one time is about 3 oz, on a good day. The 4 bags of milk in the freezer will maybe provide two meals for her. I will have to pump & dump for the first 48 hours after surgery, which means that she will need approximately 14 feedings. Ya, not going to happen via pump. She will have to be supplemented with formula, which she has not had since she was itty-bitty, and even that was short lived. I am worried that at this stage in the game she will prefer the bottle and nursing will go by the wayside. I am not ready for that. What will be will be, and I will be better, and I will still be her Mom, less a Gallbladder.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

We'll be thinking about you on Thursday. I'm amazed that they gave you a 6 week recover time; Piper was almost completely back to her old self within just a few days. We'll hope for the same for you! And as far as the bf'ing goes? I'm sure you'll be fine. Babies take bottles all the time; I'm sure that C will just be relieved to have you back! If she's anything like Piper, you'll have to do some prying, lol. When you're up to it, we'll have to get together. Hope it goes well!


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