June 27, 2010

Yes, we're still here...

I know it has been a while since I posted anything (actually I swear I wrote a blog on June 14, but it has mysteriously disappeared). I have a reason, we've been really busy- really. Which only means that I have a lot to blog about, and I am really behind. So, a goal for the week is to get caught up. Be warned- lots of words and pics coming. Here is the teaser:

Bathroom Remodel Phase 1
Petey's trip to Africa
Bathroom Remodel Phase 2
Pat's Graduation in NY
St. Joseph's Catholic Church Dedication
Nick's MS Bike Ride
Probably something about Cecilia too, because she is growing so much.

I have to get these blogs done because next weekend we are at it again: The new windows are going in!!! So now that I've told all of you my goal, I'm trusting that you will hold me accountable ;)


AJ and Cindy said...

glad your back to blogging! sounds like you have been super busy :) HOpe things slow down a bit for you guys!

Unknown said...

Yay! Welcome back! How will I blog-stalk you if you don't blog?! :) Can't wait to hear about your adventures!


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