March 11, 2011


Cecilia's vocabulary is really starting to explode. She is working on saying "Mom" or "Mama" or "Mommy". Really, I'd appreciate any of these three. Sometimes when Jon prompts her, she will say "Mama", but it takes a lot of focus. The "M" sound is just a little difficult still, and the"B" sound, well that one she has down, and she likes to practice it. So, she does have a name for me right now: "Bob". It's quite funny actually. She will wake up in the morning or from her nap, and I will hear this beckoning call "Bbbbooooooobbbb! Bbbbb-Bbbbb-Bbbbbbboooooooooooooooob!". At least she is associating a word with me, and its better than "Dada".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahahahaha - yes, Bob is indeed better than "Dadda." Why are those darned D's easier than the M's? It's just cruel! Leah CAN say Mom, but more often I get yaya. So you're in good company, Bob.


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