Cecilia has become very protective of her time on the changing table. Whenever we take Lilly to be changed, C will strip her pants and her diaper off almost immediately and want to be changed too. She has also realized that the baby has certain places in the house where she goes. For example. If I am nursing Lilly and Cecilia wants me to put the baby down, she will point and/or hit the swing and yell "Baby" to have me put her in there.
The best one is the car seat. We have to hide the car seat now because Cecilia will drag it out, and become annoyingly insistent that the baby get in it and go out the front door. C will point/hit the car seat and then say "Baby, GO!" over and over again. It's quite comical really. I'm sure in time C will appreciate Lilly, but for now I better hide the car keys.
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