I called him at 2:15 to make sure he was on his way. No answer. I started to get mad.
He called me at 2:30 and said that he was on his way, but there was a little problem and he was in bad cell area and would have to call me back. I was almost boiling now.
He called me back at 2:45 and the first words were "I'm OK. But, there was an accident." WHAT!!! An accident with things that go bang! Start talking Mr. Fries!
He assured me he was fine, but there was some splash back from one of the bullets when it hit the steel target at 50 yards and it hit him in the neck. They had already removed the piece of shrapnel and had been to the Elizabeth Fire Department to have them evaluate it. The paramedics cleaned it out with saline and called the Parker Hospital, which of course had him come in to the ER to get an X-Ray to make sure that there was nothing else in there and that there was no other damage. The bullet fragment hit him about an inch to the left of his Adam's Apple.
I could tell he was fine on the phone, and it didn't really hit me as to what he was saying until my Aunt called and then my Grandpa, and then my Uncle. They all called to check on me- to see how I was doing. When I was talking to all of them, I was upset on the phone, but I was still upset that Jon wasn't home yet. Then it hit me that this could have been a really big deal, and that a 1/2 inch in any direction and Jon could have been in way, way, way worse shape.
Jon was seen immediately at the hospital. There was nothing else wrong with him. He was given 1 stitch and sent on his way. My grandpa, Pa, showed up at my door to stay with me until my uncle drove Jon home. Pa was the one who shot the gun, so you can imagine how he felt. I'm so glad that Jon was not hurt any more than he was. Jon had some awesome guardian angels with him.
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