I know this post is extremely overdue, but it was an emotionally eventful weekend and I've only now found myself ready to blog about it.
We spent the holiday weekend with my parents. We love to get away to their house. Its so peaceful and beautiful. There were
BBQ's and picnic's throughout the weekend. We also got to see the newly completed Indian Mountain Community Center. My Dad just finished building it, and it was beautiful. (Excuse my silly husband on the right.)

We were very well fed. Cecilia enjoyed playing with Grandma and Lilly enjoyed flirting with Pops.

On Sunday afternoon we were given the wonderful news that my cousin Stephanie had her baby girl! Little Eva Sophia was born on Sunday afternoon. I am so excited for all of the baby girls in this family. Its about time we have an influx of PINK :) We were able to get to see her and the baby on Tuesday, and little Eva is so beautiful!

Shortly (very shortly) after we heard the news about Eva, we got a devastating call from my Uncle. He informed us that my Mom's cousin, Jackie, found her son Alex dead in his bed. This shook us all to the core. I think I am still in shock sometimes. Alex was just 22 years old. Alex and Oliver are twins, and Chris is his older brother, and Cynthia is his younger sister. My family, being as close as we are, rallied to support. It was very emotional to get this news so soon after the news of a new baby. It was another reminder that life is fragile, and should not be taken for granted. It was a reminder that we are not immortal. Alex's viewing was on Wednesday night, and the funeral was on Thursday of that week. I hate funerals, especially for people that are young. It was a beautiful service, and Alex's family did a wonderful job sharing about him. He was described many times as a competitor, prankster, and full of life and passion. At the end of the service, the casket was taken outside where we all gathered and dove's were released. My Aunt Jackie released the last dove as a representation of Alex's spirit to join the other dove's in flight. It was breathtakingly beautiful and almost unbearably sad. I find myself sympathizing with my Aunt Jackie as a parent, but more with Alex's siblings- especially Chris. I am the oldest of four too, and I can't imagine what it would be like to loose one of my brothers. My heart is still breaking for all of them, and they are in my prayers constantly. If you think about it, say a prayer for all of them too. Rest in Peace, Alex. You are loved and missed.

Jackie, ALEX, Oliver, Cynthia, Chris
Christmas 2010