August 19, 2011

It's been a ...

Why are you up at 5:30?
Gosh you are cranky!
Darn eye tooth.
Tylenol before 7
Sesame Street and Word World
Sit down!
Eat your cereal!
Keep your milk in the kitchen.
Why are you spilling your milk on the carpet?!
Go to time out!
Stop screaming, you're going to wake the baby.
You woke the baby!
I'm mad at you!
Is it too early for a glass of wine?
I must get into public so I don't hurt you.
Stay in your car seat!
Please don't take your shoes off.
Why are you screaming at your sister? She's sleeping.
I wish I felt more confident and less rushed with this purchase. I hope it will be the right size.
Go play! Jump, run, be free!
It's time to go home.
Please don't tantrum here. You are making a scene!
Good thing it's just a bunch of moms and their toddlers.
Is it nap time yet?
Eat your lunch.
Please don't use your ketchup as paint.
Where is that wine? Seriously.
More Tylenol.
Sleep well. Stay in your bed.
Get back in your bed!

... kind of morning.


Unknown said...

Sorry friend! Some days are so hard! It's so strange, but I can tell you: now that I'm not home, I do miss it. Even the days like yours. Hope you're making it through!

Teresa said...

Going to the playground, well, that just gets the cell phone falling into the potty at the park.
That was my afternoon, and I am the Grandmother and SHOULD know better.
Wine?? Purchase by the case my dear!!!


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